What is the Executives, Parliment, Gover General, and the Department

They is four main parts of making a bill. Fist the executives made up of 26 members: the vice president, 15 department heads, and 10 Cabinet-level officials. They make potential bill to be sent to the parliment. When it has sent to the parliament it goes though the house of Representatives (Greens) and the Senate. If the bill has pasted though the parliament it is sent the too Gover General, Sumanha Mostyn, who is the kings representative. When approve it is the Department job to get the law into action.

How a bill becomes a law.

Their is seven steps.

1. The executive put foruord a potential law, called a bill to the Parliament.

2. It is sent to the House of Representatives to vote on if it turns into a law or not. If they need more information they would send it to the committee.

3.The committee might seek information from the community and experts. When they have learn't alot about the bill they will send back the report to the house of Reps.

4. With the report from the committee they will do a vote with aye and noes.

5. If the bill pasted though the house of Reps it will be tacken to the Senate. the prossed will repeet again the the Senate.

6. if the bill pased though both house it is send to the Gover General to be approved.

7. After it has been aproved by the Gover General it is know the Department jod to put the law into action in the public.

From Policy to Law